viernes, 12 de octubre de 2018

Best Concert Ever

I remember "The Offspring"'s show at Teatro Caupolican in 2013 as the best concert that I've been in my life. Actually I've been in lots of concert and live shows, including the red hot chili peppers in 2011, Sinergia in 2014 at the sit-in of Liceo 7 and in 2016 at Conchali's Municipality, I've seen "Los Tres" twice, among others. But I believe that the Offspring concert is the most special one for me, maybe it is because it is a band that a I used to listen since my childhood, with my older brother and my uncle, so it touches my nerves so deep as it reminds me to some really good parts of my life.

In that time, I went to the concert with an old friend of high school, Nicolas. We both used to play some Offspring songs at school; we were related to each other by this band. The funny thing is that we watched the full show of "Los Mox", the Chilean band that was playing before Offspring got out. The band was not actually of our style, we never liked metal, but it was ok. However in a point we were saturated by the crowd and the noise (The Mox played during 2 hours aprox) and we only wanted to see offspring and then get home to sleep a while.

The show was majestic. The guys, old but passionate, played during one and a half hour every song that we had listened since kids, and it was actually very emotional, the crowd was crazy and  reciting every song. It was very special. It was so crazy, the punkie guys, the pogos and the crowdsurfing made the scene and all went perfect.

I have to do again an honorous mention to another show that I went in 2017, the "Cafe Tacvba"'s show at "Hipodromo de Chile". The "Cafetas" is another really special band that reflects more my contemporaneous musical tastes than my adolescent ones. It is a Mexican band that kinda of represent the ethnic Latin American realities through their music, and that is something that I really like about them.

And here I am at the age of 16  back towards the stage, the picture was taken by Nicolas in 2013, at The Offspring's show.

jueves, 11 de octubre de 2018

A place i would like to visit

I have always dreamed to visit Africa, actually, when a was a kid, i used to think that someday i would go there by boat, crossing all through Atlantic Ocean untill i get there. If the question is about what is exactly what fascinates me about Africa, i would tell that is its magnificent environment and landscapes. I rather prefer natural landscapes instead of the classic and monumental tourist destination, and if we're talking about Africa, there's a lot to say: the Victoria Cataracts, Madagascar, the savannah, among others.

Another aspect that i really like of Africa is its fauna. Africa has one of the most diversal faunas in the world, and for me, it's a spectacle to see all of those animals living among each others: the innumeral flock of birds, the thousands zeebras that fill up the meadows, the hunting ritual; it's actually a pretty nice show.

I don't know if i would like to live there, because of the lingüistic gate basically. I think it's not so terrible to learn many languages, it could be fun actually, furthermore, english is a widespread language in the continent, and that's a good start place. But maybe i would only like to visit the natural places of Africa; the cities doesn't impress me so much.

Well, and before finish, i must do an "special mention" to a zone that recently have been caughting  my attention: Polinesia and the Pacific Ocean. Is a really interesting place also, it hides many misteries of the humanity itself that i'd like to study as anthropologist.

viernes, 10 de noviembre de 2017

Bloggin Experience

At the beginning I though that writing stuffs every class was such a boring thing, but actually now i can say that it helped me a lot to retake some knowledge that i kind to forget since i got out of school, and actually it is entertaining to write about anything sometimes. Also i think there's important to be prepared to not just speak in English, but write in English to, because the academy demands about English papers writing are more and more every day. However, i personally dislike a lot the academy to be so anglocentric and i would like to be part of an Autonomic Latin American School of Social Sciences and not to depend on other academies from other parts of the world because i think that, in anthropology specially, it is so pressing to de-colonializate the methodologies and the discipline itself. But anyway, i think that it is kind of and inescapable thing, that in a short time there's is not much to do, but not aswell in a long time. I think that knowing another languages is very important because it permits to understand other ways to see the world and learning besides of our own knowledge and cosmologies; but it is also important to take part in our own linguistic and cultural tradition and take part also in the battle to de-colonializate the knowledge itself. Besides, i think that this course was a very positive experience that helped me to learn and retake my English abilities and i'm so comfortable with it. Greetings for all my partners and teacher

viernes, 3 de noviembre de 2017


Personally, i think that the three causals abortion discussion is widely absurd, not by the fact of legitimacy, but the subject itself. When we sit inside four walls to discuss for months about if a 14 years old girl have or not the right to decide if she want to give birth a child which is product of a rape, and subsequently if we chose not to give her, we sentence her, in first place, to birth in a quite early age, and second, to see the face and be forced to "love" a child who probably would be the reflect of the most traumatic incident in her whole life, something is lacking in our heads. I think that the 3 causals law is a very basic condition which we wouldn't even think of deny; are we going to force someone to birth a bulk, or a non-head child just for the fact that "is a god's miracle"? The answer is surplussed. Actually I'm supporter of debating the free causal abortion, because this is the really consistent issue. If you ask me, i think that the abortion should be an undeniable right which would be accompanied by a integral sexual education. Personally i can't see myself as a father in a quite short time; even ever. So i think about those people who has to confront the decision of being father when they're not really prepared to and actually when they doesn't want to. To me, being parent is such a big deal, and is not something that just happens and that we just have to confront because it; if you're not prepared you shouldn't be it, and that's all. Even when you committed the mistake of not take care about your sexuality (which the most of the times isn't directly people's fault), you're about confronting a decision which shall not only mark your life, but the child's life too. So, i think that, besides the moral/christian discourses, we have to be responsible, in first place, to give people quality sexual education, and therefore, to give as well people the opportunity of decide about his own bodies and lifes, not just for them, but also for the new human's life. That's is loving life, i think.

lunes, 23 de octubre de 2017

Favorites subjects

This is my second year studying anthropology, and since i've been doing it, i haved learn a lot of stuffs. As many of the FACSO carreers it is so much demandant with the lectures. Actually, this mean to be so much time reading papers and articles for at less 5 subjects every semester, and this is often very stressing. Fortunately, i have learned to get going with all of these stuff and actually i can say that i enjoy it a lot ( most of the time).

Well, and to tell you in short what i think that is cool with my carrer i'm going to talk you about 2 or 3 things that i've haved really enjoy. First of all, in first year i had a subject called "Historia Latinoamericana" with Daniel Fauré as teacher. This subject was really exciting beacause it was a really new way to understand the historic processes, not just as times secuences, but as structural processes of identity constitution of historical subjects, it is kind of an anthropologic way of doing history; Daniel always said to us: "When you do history you're trying to be on the other people's shoes, to get inside their eyes and try to understand what processes were they passing by", among other stuffs. Another subject that i really enjoyed the last semester was "Etnohistoria", a curse that is in charge of the proffesor André Menard, and is an all invert way to see the history; when we talk about "history" we often ignore so much part of it, and this happens beacuse the official history is written by privileged people wich actually had won a simbolic fight, a right to write his own history. Doing history is often a mere exercise of relating a bunch of events  that doesn't search to develate the truth, but to stand an own truth that margins a minority from the "officials events". And finally, another great subject that i haved apllying for is called "Antropología II". I guess this is my favorite one;i really enjoyed this curse. Dimas Santibañez is the teacher in charge, and in his curse we see all of the theories that emerged after the evolutionism apogee, in the middle 20th century; these are the first ideas and definitions from we understand nowadays as "culture", as all of those features that envolved the process of living in every society/human group arround the world and through the time, understanding this procces as unic and unrepeatable, on is own terms.
And that's it, those are 3 of my favorites subjects since i were on this carrer, hope you enjoyed it.

sábado, 30 de septiembre de 2017


Actually i don't have a huge accident record, i mean, i've never really had such a fall which haved make me go to the hospital. Y barely remeber a few falls when i was a kid. One of them were long ago, when i was 7 or 8 year old; i was playing in the neighborhood along my friends, and we were playing "Escondida Pelota" (Is like the classic Escondida but to save yourself you must kick a ball that is in a settle point on the ground). Well, when i saw that nobody was watching me, i started to run as fast as i could to try to kick the ball. As i was running, suddenly, i hardly tripped, and fell on the asphalt. I fell all over mi knee and the pebble stone on the ground hurted me really hard. When i got up, i saw my knee and it was all covered in blood and huge part of my skin was tear apart as the point that i could see the flesh inside my leg; it was so disgusting. After that, i felt the intense pain and i started to cry. My friends helped me to get home and my mom healed me. When i were in the shower, i could see how deep was the wound and i got really really scared. Well, after a while, i felt better, with bend-aids all over my knee, i lied down on the couch to watch T.V as i eated something to palliate the accident, it was not so bad after all.

viernes, 15 de septiembre de 2017

A nice picture

This photo was taken on September 2016, almost exactly one year ago. Was taken by one of my closest friends, Daniel. I appear in the front of the picture, sitted with my arms over my knees ,watching the majestic plateau of the "Andes Maulinos" from the top of "The Enlardillado". This place calls like that because of the form that the ground rocks have, they look like a brick paved wall( well, it can't be noticed in the picture because of the snow that surprisingly were covering all arround.)  Actually the origin of this geologycal phenomena is unknown; in popular cultural, it is believed that this place were formed by The Incas, who has randomly come to this southern lands from the plateau of Peru, because of the unusual form of the ground that could be interpreted as a majestic architectonic masterpiece. Other unusual theory consist in that the origin of this mysterious landscape was product of alien activity; this theories are introduced facing the wide incertitude that scientist community has shown. Well, this photo is important to me because it is shown as an graphic memory form a really memorable trip that i did with some good friends: Toño, which is shown spectral besides me; Maca who's behind us enjoying the lunch, and Vicky and Daniel who are not appaering in the picture. A nice picture form a nice time.