viernes, 11 de agosto de 2017

Etnic Items

In this picture, we can see a curious celebration: The Aztec New Year. This event it's realized on Seattle, Washington, and, as i can see, with the purpose of commemorate an etnic tradition in a country that represents, in my opinion, conquer, imperialism and expansion. After centuries of occidental colonialism and consolidated domination, the United States tries to do an assertion about how they really care about the integrity and wholeness of an erradicated culture. However, this celebration hides something elses because, in fact, the people that participate in this event are aztec descendants, and they does it to the  eavs of this northern country. This reveals a really known fact: Cultural Sincretism. In antropology, we concibe this  etnic individuals as "the others", wich history is subordinated to our history --occidentally history, i mean. Actually, they only have this place , this oportunity to "celebrate themselves" because we provide it. Ultimately, they're just result to be a residue of our own culture; they only exist in the 'hegemonic imaginarium' because we allowed it. In conclusion, I rather to see this phenomenum "between lines", and i make a couple of questions to the readers: Is this really a genuine way to honorate an ancestral culture, into a city? Are this iniciative an efective form of redeem the damage that occident has done over and over through the time to this etni groups? When we look as this picture, we really think about the aztec integrity or we're just fascinating our minds with at etnic fetish? The subject is open...

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