sábado, 30 de septiembre de 2017


Actually i don't have a huge accident record, i mean, i've never really had such a fall which haved make me go to the hospital. Y barely remeber a few falls when i was a kid. One of them were long ago, when i was 7 or 8 year old; i was playing in the neighborhood along my friends, and we were playing "Escondida Pelota" (Is like the classic Escondida but to save yourself you must kick a ball that is in a settle point on the ground). Well, when i saw that nobody was watching me, i started to run as fast as i could to try to kick the ball. As i was running, suddenly, i hardly tripped, and fell on the asphalt. I fell all over mi knee and the pebble stone on the ground hurted me really hard. When i got up, i saw my knee and it was all covered in blood and huge part of my skin was tear apart as the point that i could see the flesh inside my leg; it was so disgusting. After that, i felt the intense pain and i started to cry. My friends helped me to get home and my mom healed me. When i were in the shower, i could see how deep was the wound and i got really really scared. Well, after a while, i felt better, with bend-aids all over my knee, i lied down on the couch to watch T.V as i eated something to palliate the accident, it was not so bad after all.

viernes, 15 de septiembre de 2017

A nice picture

This photo was taken on September 2016, almost exactly one year ago. Was taken by one of my closest friends, Daniel. I appear in the front of the picture, sitted with my arms over my knees ,watching the majestic plateau of the "Andes Maulinos" from the top of "The Enlardillado". This place calls like that because of the form that the ground rocks have, they look like a brick paved wall( well, it can't be noticed in the picture because of the snow that surprisingly were covering all arround.)  Actually the origin of this geologycal phenomena is unknown; in popular cultural, it is believed that this place were formed by The Incas, who has randomly come to this southern lands from the plateau of Peru, because of the unusual form of the ground that could be interpreted as a majestic architectonic masterpiece. Other unusual theory consist in that the origin of this mysterious landscape was product of alien activity; this theories are introduced facing the wide incertitude that scientist community has shown. Well, this photo is important to me because it is shown as an graphic memory form a really memorable trip that i did with some good friends: Toño, which is shown spectral besides me; Maca who's behind us enjoying the lunch, and Vicky and Daniel who are not appaering in the picture. A nice picture form a nice time.

viernes, 8 de septiembre de 2017

What we understand by drugs?

Actually there's a wide open discussion about what people mean when they talk about "drugs",  especially in new generations. Personally, i define drugs by any substance that could involve a neuro/motor psycho estimulation, ultimately a drug could be any object of consumption that may implie effects on our psychicall estructure, and therefore, in our behavior. So, i consider a cigarrete, a beer, and even a chocolate as a several conditioner of behavior and, according to the previous definition, straigthly as drugs. I think that we could segment the "drugs universe" in two parts: the farmaceutical/first category drugs, as narcotics, painkillers, analgesics and antidepresssants; prescripted drugs, in short. And on the other hand there are the unprescripted drugs/second category, and those that i've been trying to define at this letter. Here enters all those substains that at first look doesn't fits with the traditional/medical definition of a drug: "every substance that potencially can cure or prevent a disease". The first category drugs are those ones that are consider legal, prescripted by a doctor, a "science's man" who we can trust at every time, whenever we were. The second one, although they're not recognized into the medical kit, they're still being a chemical substance that affects our perception, cognition and central nervous system as well as the first category drugs. And as they can affect the user in the negative ways, like when alcoholics people become violent, or when chocolate/candies/junk food/etc adicts become diabetics or anxiety people, these "drugs" as well could help to upgrade the physicall and mental well-being of people that consume them. In this way, the meaning of drugs is biased, influenced by officialism and hegemonic comunicational media. Sometimes, an anti-depressed pill could be more nocive to the health of people, as they generate dependance on users, than mariguana plants or LSD, floripondio and so many other natural chemical substances, wich not presents features of dependance. So, if you ask me about what i think about drugs? I think that the official sciences as psychiatry and psychology have done an erroneous idearium of these, and against that, i think that we as society have the duty of reivindicate the category of drugs and think again about what is really nocive on substains that we consume everyday, and what is the real reason to hegemonic groups to construct idearium wich one fatalizes the psychedellic drugs category against the official drugs that they promoved.

Resultado de imagen para antidepressants or marijuana

domingo, 3 de septiembre de 2017

Favourite Device

One of the devices that i spend more time in is my notebook. I practically use it everyday, either to be in touch with every university's works and issues or to do any other stuff like watch movies, listen music, read anything or chat; I think my notebook is an essencial device to stay connected with the world in a certain way. For example, if there's an assemble in my university, or if i need to contact a friend whom i don't used to talk much, or any other subject, my notebook helps me a lot. My actual notebook was a gift; i needed an own one, because me and my brother used to share the older one, so now is easier. I like to use it for its many uses; from watching movies to do homework, it is always suitable to every places on my home, also. Why i would do without it? Well i think that technollogy devices are just things, and no matter how much they could help us in our dialy life, they should not overpass our capacities. Neverthless, i have to admit that without my notebook, things in university would be really tough, because i read great part of university lectures on my notebook, so, without my notebook it would imply to spend a lot of money

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