Actually there's a wide open discussion about what people mean when they talk about "drugs", especially in new generations. Personally, i define drugs by any substance that could involve a neuro/motor psycho estimulation, ultimately a drug could be any object of consumption that may implie effects on our psychicall estructure, and therefore, in our behavior. So, i consider a cigarrete, a beer, and even a chocolate as a several conditioner of behavior and, according to the previous definition, straigthly as drugs. I think that we could segment the "drugs universe" in two parts: the farmaceutical/first category drugs, as narcotics, painkillers, analgesics and antidepresssants; prescripted drugs, in short. And on the other hand there are the unprescripted drugs/second category, and those that i've been trying to define at this letter. Here enters all those substains that at first look doesn't fits with the traditional/medical definition of a drug: "every substance that potencially can cure or prevent a disease". The first category drugs are those ones that are consider legal, prescripted by a doctor, a "science's man" who we can trust at every time, whenever we were. The second one, although they're not recognized into the medical kit, they're still being a chemical substance that affects our perception, cognition and central nervous system as well as the first category drugs. And as they can affect the user in the negative ways, like when alcoholics people become violent, or when chocolate/candies/junk food/etc adicts become diabetics or anxiety people, these "drugs" as well could help to upgrade the physicall and mental well-being of people that consume them. In this way, the meaning of drugs is biased, influenced by officialism and hegemonic comunicational media. Sometimes, an anti-depressed pill could be more nocive to the health of people, as they generate dependance on users, than mariguana plants or LSD, floripondio and so many other natural chemical substances, wich not presents features of dependance. So, if you ask me about what i think about drugs? I think that the official sciences as psychiatry and psychology have done an erroneous idearium of these, and against that, i think that we as society have the duty of reivindicate the category of drugs and think again about what is really nocive on substains that we consume everyday, and what is the real reason to hegemonic groups to construct idearium wich one fatalizes the psychedellic drugs category against the official drugs that they promoved.
totally agree with you, the legality of antidepressants, and other pharmacy drugs, finally they are harmful to us.
ResponderBorrarI think you know a lot about the subject, it was interesting to read your blog!